Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter, Peeps

Celebrate Christ's big death day (or is it his resurrection day? Whatever.) by checking out the cute-ass entries to WashPo's "Peep Show" contest.

Our faves? Hands down, "Nightmare in Pink" (number 3 in the flash rotation). Shout out, though, to number 8, "Peepator Craig's Wide Stance" and last year's "Marpeep Antoinette" (number 2).

We'll be spending the day working and taking a break from Mr. Man's parents, who've been in town since Wednesday, but, as I type this, are getting set to head out and explore the Charm. (Thank Christ. Not that they're not sweet as Peeps--they are--but this femme likes her space and gets a little overwhelmed by invaders visitors.)

*Note that this cool photo is not part of the contest (obviously--no Peeps). I got that--get most my pics--from Morgue File, where angelic artists post up free photos for deadbeat bloggers to have their way with.

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