Monday, March 24, 2008

First the sweet, then the bittersweet...

cute, dachshund, smiling dog, loldog, lol dog, funny dog pictures

I don't know how I missed this before, but as I was checking out Lolcats (aka I Can Has Cheezburger) this morning I noticed a link to its canine equivilent, Loldogs.

There goes the rest of my day.

In a little sadder news, our sweet thang of a dog, Belle (aka Chooch McGooch McGooner) is starting to suffer what we suspect is hip dysplasia. She's ok--she doesn't whine about it or anything--but it takes her an extra long time to get up here onto the couch these days (right now she's lying next to me, snoring). It's really sad watching her haul her butt up, slow-like, one leg at a time. Makes her seem much older than her 6 years. I suspect it's from all the Frisbee we've played over the years--Frisbee being notoriously hard on dogs' joints.

Will we stop playing with our Aerobie Skylighter Flying Disc? I think not. Judging by the obsession with which she plays (it's like crack to her) and the pride with which she carries it home from the park, I'd say it's still worth it. And I'm not just saying that because I'm proud to have the most bad-ass Frisbee-catching dog in the park. I may be (like a lot of 30-ish, child-less women) projecting a lot of maternal feelings onto my sweet doggie, but I'm not the show-mom type.

We're starting her on Glucosamine and buffered aspirin and I'll get her out to the vet when I can afford it, to see what else I can do. Maybe one day I'll get her one of those foam ramps so she can walk up onto the couch.

BTW Aerobies are the best flying discs in the world. For one thing, they have a soft edge around the sides, which protects your dog's mouth (if you've ever seen a dog mangle an actual Frisbee-brand Frisbee, and cut its mouth on it, you know what I'm talking about. Remember that, Carrie?).

Plus, they hover like nobody's business. Once, back when I had a pickup (sigh) and always kept one in the back of it, I saw one levitate in my rear-view mirror as I sped down the freeway. No shit. They're scientifically designed.

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